We provide first-class facility space, mentorship, pro bono legal counsel, TMA connections and resources
TMA BlueTech's BTI (BlueTech Incubator) fosters early stage, innovative, sustainable, science-based ocean & water/wastewater tech companies, helping propel them to greater opportunity and financial viability.
TMA's BTI provides first-class office and meeting spaces, mentorship, and pro bono legal counsel. In addition, startups in the BTI get access to the biggest benefit of all, TMA's global network of BlueTech clusters, companies, funding resources and policy makers, as well as an open invitation to participate in all of our member-based activities.
In shot, we bring together the Triple-Helix of Academia, Industry & Policy Makers for purposes of "Fostering Innovation Through Collaboration® " to create a supportive network for our companies to connect and thrive.
Being a part of BTI has proven very beneficial for me professionally and for my company, Intellecy. We have been able to expand our network and meet several professionals as a result of our association with TMA.
As a startup non-profit with minimal funding, use of the BTI corporate office space accelerated the establishment of our management infrastructure, including nonprofit legal designation.
Since joining the BTI program, our company has benefited tremendously from TMA’s enormous network in the BlueTech industry, both in the States and abroad. These opportunities have broadened our horizon.