NORBIT's Live On-Water Demo

You're Invited to Experience Innovation Unveiled: NORBIT's Live On-Water Demo

Join us on July 25th as two industry leaders, TMA and NORBIT, merge their expertise to present an exclusive live demonstration of cutting-edge scanning technologies. Set against the picturesque backdrop of the Willamette River, nestled in the heart of downtown Portland, Oregon, this event promises an unforgettable fusion of technology, networking, and natural beauty.

Date: July 25th

Time: 2pm-6pm

In-Person Location: Tyee Yacht Club (2929 NE Marine Dr, Portland, OR 97211) or

Virtual Location:  Microsoft Teams


Event Highlights:

BlueTech Intro: Dive into the world of marine technology with a captivating introduction to the latest advancements in BlueTech.


  • Company Brief with Coffee/Tea: Begin your journey with an invigorating beverage as NORBIT unveils its vision and mission in revolutionizing scanning technologies.
  • Case Studies: Gain insights into real-world applications through compelling case studies, featuring collaborations with prestigious institutions such as OSU, Statewide Land Survey, USACE, USGS, and more.
  • Technology Showcase: Immerse yourself in a hands-on exploration of NORBIT's groundbreaking solutions, including:some text
    • Parametric Sub-Bottom Profiler: Experience the industry's latest innovation in underwater profiling technology.
    • Forward Looking Sonar - Plug and View: Witness the seamless integration of sonar technology for unparalleled underwater visibility.
    • NORscan - 3D Tripod Scanning: Step into the future with immersive 3D scanning capabilities.
    • NORdredge - Stationary Platform Real-Time Dredge Monitoring: Discover how NORBIT is redefining real-time monitoring for dredging operations.
    • STX - Infrastructure Mapping for All: Explore the versatility of STX in mapping infrastructure with precision and efficiency.
  • Wrap Up & Social: Conclude the day with lively conversations, accompanied by a selection of refreshing beer and wine, as you network with industry peers and experts.

Whether You Join Us In-Person or Virtually, Prepare to Be Amazed!


If you would like to attend this, please RSVP. On this registration link, you will be asked if you will attend in-person or virtually. Please make sure to specify!


H1 What’s a Rich Text element?

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H2 Static and dynamic content editing

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H4 How to customize formatting for each rich text

Headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, figures, images, and figure captions can all be styled after a class is added to the rich text element using the "When inside of" nested selector system.

By the numbers

Stay tuned for more 2024 events!