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We are a global network of BlueTech companies, clusters, and experts.

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Why join TMA BlueTech?

When asked, our members say the #1 reason to join is for our global community

As the leading San Diego nonprofit blue economy industry association, TMA BlueTech™ is a member-based organization that brings together education, policy, and industry to promote innovation and economic development within the ocean and water space. The below list are just a few of the benefits of membership.

- Access to our 24,700+ industry contact base
- Access to local, national, and domestic markets
- Presentation opportunities to tailored audiences
- Bespoke communications solutions
- Market Intelligence
- Inclusion in relevant trade missions
- Pilot project opportunities
- Access to regulatory and policy bodies
- Possibility for student intern projects
- Business workshops
- Access to capital providers
- Notification of business opportunities
- Notification of grant solicitations

Meet our member companies below!

Collaborate with Academia

We believe in educating tomorrow’s leaders in BlueTech and BlueSTEM. Our focus is on community outreach, research, and workforce development. This includes AquaOptimism™ (an online K-12 curriculum), a Blue Economy Summer Immersion Program, and BlueStem Career Videos.

Expansive Network across the Triple Helix

BlueTech’s wide and diverse network of over 20K contacts results in a rich global ecosystem of academia, industry and government ("Triple Helix").
BlueTech clusters focus efforts and resources in the creation of a regional BlueVoice that is critical to protect the ocean and water resources.

Growth Industry

Numbers show that this industry is growing rapidly. The Blue Economy is estimated to be at U.S. $3.0 trillion by 2030. Read The Blue Wave: Investing in BlueTech Clusters to Maintain Leadership and Promote Economic Growth and Job Creation report.

World-class events

Our events and collaborations result in the cross-pollination of visions and ideas between our members and partners. Join us to learn and contribute via our Events.

2024 Membership tiers & benefits
coming soon...


Meet our members

TMA BlueTech has a growing list of members from many sectors - over 100 from start-up to multinationals, national and international. Please join us!

TMA BlueTech supports the
UN 2030 Sustainable Development Goals